Aminet 28
Aminet 28 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1998].iso
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Assembly Source File
304 lines
*First of all let me say that this code is very slow,
*and so you have to see it on fast machine (ie. 040/060)
*There is another problem related to cpu speed,
*in fact i change camera parameters on vertical blank
*this mean that if you haven't a fast machine you'll see tunnel
*deform along frame calculation (from top to bottom of the screen)
*So, slower machine equal to worse screen results.
*Btw, on my a4000 (040/25) the 'trick' is almost non-noticeble.
*Coded by nAo/rAMjAM in August 1998
Lea Base,a0
*here lies a dumb palette generator :D
move.l a0,a1
moveq #-1,d7 ;just 256 color :-)
moveq #0,d0
.pal move.l d0,(a1)+
add.l #$00010102,d0 ;spread black to blue
subq.b #1,d7
bcc.s .pal
bsr.w SetPalette ;loads palette
steps equ 2048 ;sin/cos table steps
factor equ steps*10000/2/31415 ;fixed point factor
move.l a1,a2 ;saves sin table pointer
move.l #factor,d5 ;this piece of code
move.w #steps,d0 ;generates a sin/cos table
lsr.w #3,d7 ;using an infinitesimal
mulu.w d5,d0 ;rotation matrix
moveq #0,d2 ;u can find all the math stuff..
;on http://come.to/amiga
.scloop move.l d2,d3 ;look at azure's doc with my final
divs.l d5,d3 ;error correction chapter
move.w d3,(a1)+ ;btw, this isn't the shortest
sub.l d3,d0 ;way i know to generate a sin table
move.l d0,d1 ;but afaik probably
divs.l d5,d1 ;it's the shortest way
move.w d1,(a1)+ ;to make a sin/cos table
add.l d1,d2
dbra d7,.scloop
* This is V.R.T.G ************************************
* Very Random Textures Generator :-D *****************
move.l a1,a0 ;saves pointer
moveq #4,d0
.random ror.l d0,d0 ;tanx to Azure for this..
addq.l #7,d0 ;smart (and chip) rnd generator
move.b d0,(a0)+
* clr.b (a0)+
dbra d7,.random
moveq #6-1,d4 ;filter passes
.start moveq #6-1,d6 ;blur passes
move.l a1,a0
.loopf move.b (a0),d0
lsl.b #2,d0
bge.s .ok
not.b d0
.ok move.b d0,(a0)+ ;this routine
dbra d7,.loopf ;perform a texture
.loopbb move.l a1,a0 ;generator
move.l a1,a5 ;using some rnd value
move.l #256,d0 ;and some blur
move.l d0,d1 ;and non-linear filters
neg.w d1
.loopb moveq #0,d2 ;final resuslt it's
move.b -1(a0),d2 ;completely emphyric
add.b (a5,d0.l),d2 ;just work on
moveq #0,d3 ;non-linear filter
move.b 1(a0),d3 ;and blur/filter passes to achieve
add.b (a5,d1.l),d3 ;better results.
add.w d2,d3
lsr.w #2,d3 ;pay attention
move.b d3,(a0)+ ;to work on effective
addq.w #1,d0 ;256x256 closed texture space
addq.w #1,d1 ;to eliminate
dbra d7,.loopb ;tiling problems
dbra d6,.loopbb
dbra d4,.start
move.l a1,a5 *saves texture pointer
move.l a0,a1 *saves grid pointer
lea (33*33*8)(a1),a4 *saves temp pointer
move.l a4,a0
lea (32*4)(a0),a0 *chunky pointer
rts ;this rts can removed
;but who care? :)
VBlank: ; Called every vblank after Init has finished.
addq.w #1,param4(a4) ;here..
move.w param4(a4),d0 ;just...
movem.w (a2,d0.w*4),d0/d1 ;some...
asr.w #1,d0 ;lissajeous..
asr.w #2,d1 ;trick..
move.w d0,param1(a4) ;to move..
move.w d1,param2(a4) ;and rotate camera
move.w (a2,d1.w*4,2048*2*4+384),d0
lsl.w #3,d0
move.w d0,param3(a4)
Main: ; Called once when Init has finished.
; Registers are as left by Init.
; If it terminates, the demo will exit.
* A5 --> Texture Pointer
* A4 --> TempData Pointer
* A2 --> Sin/Cos Pointer
* A1 --> Grid Pointer
* A0 --> Chunky Pointer
param1 equ 0
param2 equ 2
param3 equ 4
param4 equ 6
Main2 bsr.b Tracer ;call ray tracer
bsr.w Lattice ;call lattice expander
bsr.w Update256x256
bra.b Main2
*very simple ray tracer
Tracer movem.l d0-a6,-(sp)
moveq #32/2,d7
moveq #-32/2,d1
.y moveq #-32/2,d0
.x moveq #26,d2 ;focal lenght
move.w param1(a4),d3 ;rotates ray on X axis
and.w #$7ff,d3
movem.w (a2,d3.w*4),d3/d4
move.l d3,d5
move.l d4,d6
muls.w d2,d3 ;z*sin
muls.w d1,d4 ;y*cos
muls.w d1,d5 ;y*sin
muls.w d2,d6 ;z*cos
add.l d5,d6 ;Z
sub.l d3,d4 ;Y
move.l d4,-(sp)
move.w param2(a4),d3 ;rotate ray on Y axis
and.w #$7ff,d3
movem.w (a2,d3.w*4),d3/d5
move.l d3,d4
move.l d5,d2
muls.w d0,d3 ;x*sin
muls.l d6,d4 ;z*sin
muls.w d0,d2 ;x*cos
muls.l d6,d5 ;z*cos
moveq #11,d6
asr.l d6,d4
asr.l d6,d5
add.l d2,d4 ;X
sub.l d3,d5 ;Z
move.l (sp)+,d6
move.l d5,-(sp)
move.l d6,d5
move.l d4,d6
asr.l #6,d5
asr.l #6,d4
muls.w d5,d5
muls.w d4,d4
add.l d4,d5
addq.l #1,d5
moveq #1,d3 ;thank goes to
ror.l #2,d3 ;Graham for this
moveq #32,d2 ;fast and short sqrter
move.l d3,d4
rol.l d2,d4
add.w d3,d3
cmp.l d4,d5
bcs.b .no
addq.w #1,d3
sub.l d4,d5
subq.w #2,d2
bgt.b .l2n
.ok move.l (sp)+,d4 ;i know that this isn't the academic
asl.l #5,d4 ;way to make tunnels, but that's the
asl.l #5,d6 ;only way i found that eliminates
divs.w d3,d6 ;arctan calculation and short both
divs.w d3,d4 ;(my atan routine is 100 bytes long....)
add.w param3(a4),d4 ;Z axis camera traslation
move.w d4,(a1)+ ;just write (u,v)
move.w d6,(a1)+
addq.l #1,d0 ;next column
cmp.w d7,d0
ble.w .x
addq.l #1,d1 ;next row
cmp.w d7,d1
ble.w .y
movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6
*A5-> texture pointer*
*A1-> 33x33 (u,v) grid pointer*
*A0-> chunky buffer*
;I know that actually this routine it's slow
;but this is a short code compo, that isn't? :)
Lattice movem.l d0-a6,-(sp)
moveq #32-1,d7 ;y loop counter
moveq #10,d5
moveq #0,d0
.scanli swap d7
move.w #32-1,d7 ;x loop counter
.square move.l a0,a6
move.l (33*4)(a1),a4 ;(u4,v4)
move.l (a1)+,d1 ;(u1,v1)
move.l (33*4)(a1),a3 ;(u3,v3)
move.l (a1),d2 ;(u2,v2)
sub.l d1,a4 ;(u4-u1,v4-v1)
sub.l d2,a3 ;(u3-u2,v3-v2)
lsl.l #3,d1
lsl.l #3,d2
moveq #8-1,d6
.Yspan move.l d1,d3 ;(uL,vL)
move.l d2,d4 ;(uR,vR)
swap d6
sub.l d3,d4 ;(uR-uL,vR-vL)
addq.w #8,d6
asr.l #3,d4
lsl.w #3,d4
asr.w #3,d4
.Xspan move.w d3,d0 ;need explanations
rol.l #8,d3 ;this loop? :)
move.b d3,d0
ror.l #8,d3
move.b (a5,d0.l),(a6)+ ;just do it :-)
add.l d4,d3 ;(u+du,v+dv)
subq.w #1,d6
bne.s .Xspan
lea 256-8(a6),a6 ;next span
add.l a4,d1 ;(uL+duL,vL+dvL)
add.l a3,d2 ;(ur+duR,vR+dvR)
swap d6
dbra d6,.Yspan
addq.l #8,a0 ;next nice little square
dbra d7,.square
addq.l #4,a1
lea (256*7)(a0),a0
swap d7
dbra d7,.scanli
movem.l (sp)+,d0-a6
printt "Length of your code"
Code_End: printv Code_End-Code_Start
;; ******************** BSS area ********************
section BSS_Area,bss
; declare BSS vars here. and only here
Palette ds.l 256
Sin ds.l 2048*4
Texture ds.b 256*256
Grid ds.l 33*33*2
TempData ds.l 32
Chunky ds.b 256*256
safe ds.b 256*256